Dear Sting,
Please please oh please come to my college class like you just came to this one. OK, so mine is not a music class, but you could lecture about (and oh my yes, demonstrate!) the narrative power of music, like for instance the backstories behind songs like "Every Breath You Take" and "Midnight in the Sahara" and "If You Love Somebody, Set Them Free," and oh yes especially, "Desert Rose." That one would go over especially well in my classroom, for it is in a desert, you see. But only geographically.
Alternatively, if you feel like something potentially friskier, you could visit my Shakespeare class at the fine-arts prep school up in the mountains right behind my desert here. Having been a high school English teacher yourself, you'd feel right at home, and we'd get some of the other kids, the music students--many of them the best in their age range in the world--to come and jam with you. How can you possibly resist? Please don't. I promise I won't burst into tears or wet my pants or try to sing along or anything if only you will please please please just DO THIS FOR ME!
Your fan nonstop for 22 years if not more,
Doc Rock
May I come too?
Posted by: chorusgirl | April 20, 2005 at 11:30 AM